Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

SULE si Raja Lawak

Setelah menelusuri panggung dunia komedi di sepanjang 2009, akhirnya saya menyimpulkan satu nama yang layak dinobatkan sebagai pelawak terbaik dan terlaris Indonesia 2009. Dialah Sule. Apa alasan saya menobatkan Sule sebagai komedian yang paling laris, sekaligus yang terbaik?

Nanti anda akan mengetahuinya usai menyimak postingan ini secara tuntas.

Sekilas perjalanan karir Sule.

Pertama kali saya mengenal Sule yaitu lewat sebuah acara televisi (reality-show) SuperStar Show yang ditayangkan Indosiar, kira-kira 2 tahun yang lalu. Dalam acara berupa kontes nyanyi secara berpasangan tersebut, Sule akhirnya menjadi juara. Waktu itu dia berduet dengan Jaja.

Karakternya yang unik, multy-talented, dan humoris membuat duet Sule-Jaja dengan mudah disukai dan dikenal para pemirsa acara SuperStar. Saya pun waktu itu (sebagai penonton setia acara SuperStar) punya feeling, bahwa karir Sule usai kelarnya acara tersebut akan menanjak di dunia entertain.

Ternyata terbukti kemudian. Terhitung semenjak usai menjuarai event SuperStar, Sule pun mulai sering tampil di layar kaca (televisi). Dari menjadi presenter (MC), bintang tamu talkshow, pengisi acara musik, hingga menjadi komedian/pelawak seperti saat ini.

Acara tv yang mempopulerkan Sule.

Khusus untuk tahun 2009, saya amati Sule LARIS MANIS. Job yang diterimanya di dunia hiburan Indonesia tergolong cukup banyak. Anda yang sering nonton tv pada malam hari mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi dengan tampang kerennya

Acara tv yang bisa dibilang mempopulerkan Sule (selain SuperStar) yaitu OKB, Opera Van Java, dan Awas Ada Sule. Dua yang pertama tayang di Trans7. Sedangkan yang terakhir (Awas Ada Sule) ditayangkan di Global Tv. Jika anda penggemar acara komedi atau sitkom, anda pasti sudah cukup familiar dengan ketiga acara itu.

Sebelum terjun ke 3 acara komedi tersebut, setahu saya Sule juga menjadi MC di sebuah acara musik dangdut di TPI. Mungkin anda tahu acara tv lainnya yang pernah melibatkan Sule? Silakan ditambahkan di kolom komentar kalau ada.

Kelebihan Sule sebagai seorang komedian/pelawak.

Menurut saya pribadi, Sule memang punya talenta tersendiri yang membuat ia layak disejajarkan dengan Tukul Arwana, Komeng, Eko Patrio, Parto, maupun Olga Syahputra (yang sempat dinobatkan sebagai 5 Pelawak Termahal Indonesia).

Yang patut diapresiasi, Sule juga bukan tergolong pelawak dadakan. Ia sepengetahuan saya memang memulai dari NOL (dalam menapaki karir di dunia entertain). Popularitas yang dicapainya sekarang bukanlah secara instan, namun berkat kegigihan dan perjuangan. Di samping talenta unik yang memang dianugerahkan Yang Maha Kuasa padanya.

Apa sih yang menjadi nilai plus Sule?

  1. Dia punya kemampuan spontanitas lelucon yang tergolong bagus.
  2. Dia punya kemampuan blocking yang lumayan.
  3. Dia punya karakter melucu yang kuat dan unik.

Ketiga poin tersebut sudah cukup untuk membuat Sule mengalami banjir job di sepanjang tahun 2009 kemarin. Ratting acara tv yang melibatkan ia pun tergolong cukup bagus. Itu menyiratkan bahwa ia disukai oleh penonton. Bahkan menurut saya, ia mulai ‘menyingkirkan’ pamor dan dominasi Komeng di kancah komedi televisi.

Nah, bagaimana dengan kesan dan penilaian anda sendiri mengenai Sule?

Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Tempat Romantis Di DUnia

Siapa sih yang enggak pengen menjalankan liburan romantis? Atau mungkin ingin merasakan bulan madu dan bulan madu berikutnya dalam kondisi penuh romantisme? Maka tidak ada salahnya Anda mulai mencari tempat yang paling romantis di dunia, bukan? Daripada susah-susah mencari, coba anda lihat dulu daftar tempat paling romantis yang ada di bawah ini:

1. Paris

Siapa sih yang tidak kenal dengan romantisme Paris? kota bagi para kekasih dengan makanan yang nikmat, anggur dan nuansa yang menyenangkan. Makan malam romantis dengan lilin indah di dekat menara Eiffel, berjalan bergandengen sepanjang Champs Elysees atau piknik di taman. Paris memberikan romansa dan keindahan bagi pasangan yang jatuh cinta selama berabad-abad.

2. Hawaii

Ternyata Hawaii adalah kota tempat tujuan bulan madu terbesar di dunia, terutama di kalangan orang Amerika. Entah anda di Maui, atau pulau besar lain di Hawaii, tempat ini selalu menawarkan pilihan terbaik pagi pasangan. Pantai dan hutan tropis, kamar hotel mewah, olahraga, dan berbagai hal menarik di alam bebas!

3. St. Thomas

Kota ini terletak di Virgin Islands, dan merupakan kota pantai yang terkenal oleh jajaran pantai indah dan tempat belanja menarik. Kota ini dipenuhi dengan penginapan yang dapat menampung pasangan atau bahkan keluarga. Di kota ini juga dibuat batasan untuk jumlah pesta dan peserta pesta, jadi anda tidak akan kesulitan jika ingin bermesraan dengan pasangan anda!

4. Venesia

Perjalanan dengan gondola di kanal-kanal kota ini sudah menjadi simbol romantisme kota ini. Perjalanan dengan duduk berdekatan dengan pasangan dan dengan penuh kekaguman melihat bagian kota yang indah. Makan malam romantis di restoran Italia dengan berbagai liku-liku menarik yang terkadang akan membawa anda ke gereja indah romantis. Venesia adalah tempat yang akan membuat anda jatuh cinta dan jatuh cinta lagi.

5. Tahiti

Dearah tenang yang terletak di Pasifik Selatan, dengan bungalow pantai indah, yang memungkinkan anda berenang tenang di pagi hari. Bersantai di pasir putih dengan pohon kelapa indah dengan para karyawan hotel yang siap membantu anda apapun dan kapanpun. Pemandangan luar biasa indah di saat matahari terbenam juga tidak akan bisa anda lupakan dengan mudah!

6. Belize

Belize adalah tempat paling indah bagi para pasangan. Pulau yang terletak di tengah karang ini akan membuat pasangan melupakan semua orang karena banyak pantai yang jadi 'milik pribadi' dengan air yang dipenuhi ikan karang berwarna warni akan menemani anda. Anda takut berenang? bukan masalah, pantai indah dan pohon palem yang bergorang menanti Anda!

7. Maladewa

23 pulau yang terletak di tengah Samudra Indonesia ini adalah salah satu dari surga dunia. Pulau-pulau karang yang ada hanya sedikit sekali berada diatas permukaan laut, dan gugus karang yang melingkupi pulau ini penuh dengan kehidupan. Negara kecil yang indah dan romantis ini memang adalah tempat paling pas untuk kehidupan yang romantis.

8. Seychelles

Kepulauan yang ada di Samudra Indonesia ini sebenarnya berada di lepas pantai Afrika dan merupakan tempat yang paling santai di dunia. Kehidupan yang eksotis dan nuansa yang tenang akan selalu menanti anda dan pasangan anda. Lapangan golf, spa, perjalanan memancing dan minuman segar tropis akan membuat pasangan yang sedang berbulan madu tidak akan mau kembali ke negara asal mereka lagi.

9. Bruges

Kota kuno dengan setting abad pertengahan di Brussel ini adalah cara terbaik untuk melarikan diri dari segala kebisingan kota. Kota kecil yang tenang ini menjaga kondisi kota tetap seperti kondisi kota ini di abad pertengahan. Jalan-jalan yang dilapisi batu, dengan kafe-kafe kecil di udara terbuka akan membuat anda berasa kembali ke zaman abad pertengahan, lengkap dengan berbagai hal romantis dan indah, minus masalah dan ribut.

10. Tuscany

Daerah yang penuh dengan kebun anggur, villa, dan kota-kota kecil Italia, akan membuat anda merasa seperti berada dalam perjalanan romantis. Anda dapat tinggal di villa bersejarah, dengan makanan terbaik dan anda dapat bersepeda berkeliling kebun anggur yang anda pilih dan minum anggur terbaik pula. Jika anda berada di tempat ini, pasti anda akan mengerti kenapa beberapa orang sama sekali tidak ingin kembali begitu sampai di tempat ini. Singkatnya, tidak ada yang lebih indah dan romantis di Italia daripada Tuscany.

Rabu, 30 November 2011

Nikmatnya Karupuak Sanjai

KARUPUAK SANJAI is one of the typical food Bukittinggi, which is its basic ingredients is cassava,
processing can also vary as gmabar below

from the picture above, in figure 1 is called KARUPUAK SANJAI, that the two KARAK KALIANG and that the 3 character KARUPUAK LADO

processing means also varied according to the form,
such as those in the show by the figure below


 image around on the show how making karupuak sanjai,

karupuak sanjai also become the pride of the minang, because karupuak sanjai've known almost all over the western region of Indonesia, even down to the country malaysia.
karupuak sanjai suitable for all people, be it the elderly, youth, and children, and karupuak sanjai NOT USE preservatives at all,
matter of taste, these foods can not doubt, this food tasty, delicious and typical minang Kabau, so for those of you who visit West Sumatra, Bukittinggi precisely, do not miss buying this sanjai karupuak as by the family.

food is also ideal for relaxing together, watching TV and so on
I am a native Bukittinggi very proud of our cuisine, which were previously, rendang has become the world's most delicious food, and I also hope KARUPUAK SANJAI can also menajadi delicious snack foods in the World ..   

and for those of you who are interested to see immediately see the process of making these foods, you can directly come to the Nagari SANJAI, which is where the original factory making karuuak sanjai

Rabu, 16 November 2011

BukiTtingGi NaN ElOk

Bukittinggi is one city in the province of West Sumatra, ndonesia.The city was formerly called the Fort de Kock and the former had also dubbed as Parijs van Sumatra town of Bukittinggi in addition kotamedan and also once the capital of Indonesia.The city is the hometown of one of the Bung Hatta proclaimed Indonesia, also known as city heritage with the Clock Tower, a landmark in the heart of the height, shaped like a big clock Big Ben, as well as a symbol for the city which is also located on the edge of a valley Sianok named Canyon.Besides the town of Bukittinggi is also famous as a tourist city that cool air, and brothers
Bukittinggi city began standing in line with the arrival of the Dutch who later founded the blockhouse in 1825 during the War Padri in one of the hills contained within this city, known as Fort de Kock, as well as a resting place officers in the Dutch colonies . Later in the reign of the Dutch East Indies, the area is always enhanced role in the constitution which later developed into a Stadsgemeente (city), and also serves as the capital Afdeeling Padangsche Bovenlanden and Onderafdeeling Oud Agam.During the Japanese occupation, the city of Bukittinggi used as a control center for the region of Sumatra military government, even to Singapore and Thailand, where the city became the seat of the military commander to 25 Kenpeitai, under the command of Major General Hirano Toyoji. Then the city was renamed from Fort de Kock became Stadsgemeente Bukittinggi Yaku The SHO of the area was broadened to include the surrounding villages-villages like Sianok Anam Tribe, Gadut, Kapau, Ampang Tower, Taba and Bukit Batu Batabuah. Now Nagari-Nagari is entered into the Agam regency.After the independence of Indonesia, Bukittinggi was chosen to be the capital of the Province of Sumatra, with its governor Mr. Teuku Muhammad Hasan. Then Bukittinggi is also defined as the area municipalities based on the Decree of the Governor of the Province of Sumatra No. 391 dated June 9, 1947.At the time of maintaining the independence of Indonesia, the City Bukitinggi role as the city struggles, where on December 19, 1948, the city is designated as the capital of Indonesia after the Yogyakarta fell into Dutch hands, known as the Emergency Government of the Republic of Indonesia (PDRI). Later on, the event was designated a State-Defense Day, based on the Decree of President of the Republic of Indonesia Number 28 Year 2006 dated December 18, 2006.The next big city of Bukittinggi be based on Law Number 9 Year 1956 concerning the establishment of an autonomous region within the major cities of the province of Central Sumatra period, which covers the province of West Sumatra, Jambi, Riau and Riau Islands now.Even after the issuance of Government Regulation Number 84 of 1999 as a new legal basis of regional government in the implementation of Bukittinggi, but until now still can not be implemented


picture above shows the town of Bukittinggi in the days penajajahan.

Bukittinggi is located on the Bukit Barisan range that ran along the island of Sumatra, surrounded by three volcanoes is Mount Singgalang, Mount Marapi and Mount Sago, and at an altitude of 909-941 meters above sea level. The city is also air cool with temperatures ranging between 16.1 - 24.9 ° C. While the total area of ​​the current town of Bukittinggi (25.24 km ²), 82.8% have been devoted to cultivation of land, while the rest is protected forest.The city has a hilly topography and berlembah, some hills are scattered in urban areas, among them the Mount Ambacang, Bukit Tambun Bones, Mandiangin Hill, Hill Campago, Kubangankabau Hill, Bukit Pinang Sabatang Nan, Canggang Hill, Hill Paninjauan and so on. While there is a valley which is also known as Sianok canyon with a depth that varies between 75-110 m, which didasarnya flows a river called the Trunk Masang which empties on the west coast of Sumatra island.
The development of the urban population can not be separated from the change in Bukittinggi Bukittingi a trade center in the Minangkabau highlands, starting with the market dibangunya by the Dutch East Indies government in 1890 under the name loods, local people spell it with loih, with a curved roof became known as the Loih Galuang.Today, the city Bukittingi is the most populous city in the province of West Sumatra, with a workforce of 52,631 people and about 3845 of them are unemployed. [The city is dominated by ethnic Minangkabau, but there are also ethnic Chinese, Javanese, Tamil and Batak.Chinese community to come together with the emergence of markets in London, they allowed the Dutch East Indies government to build a shop / kiosk at the foot of the hill fortress of Fort de Kock west, stretching from south to north, now known as Kampung Cino. While the Indian traders placed in the foothills of the north, a circular from east to west and is now called Kampung Keling.
Since 1918 the town of Bukittinggi has gemeente status, then in 1930 the city area was expanded to 5.2 km ². During the Japanese occupation of the territory of this town again expanded. Then at the beginning of the independence of Indonesia overlapping territorial limits of this town because of a unilateral determination of both the Dutch East Indies and Japan.Currently these municipal boundaries surrounded by Agam regency, and konfik between the two governments regarding border area is still continuing, added after the release of Government Regulation. 84 of 1999 concerning changes to border town of Bukittinggi and Agam regency, from government regulation (PP) is an area of ​​the town of Bukittinggi grew to 145.29,90 km ², with a few villages that were previously included on the Japanese occupation is within the administrative town of Bukittinggi.But with the passing of the reform of government that provides a broad right of autonomy to the district and the city, came back from rejection Agam district community on the expansion and development of the town of Bukittinggi region. Agam district for the community into the area of ​​urban sprawl, the loss was due to return to the application of the model village governance is more promising, than in sub systems. In addition the assumption arises, people who have heterogeneous city would also tend to give effect to indigenous traditions and the wealth that had been owned by the village.
Since the Dutch colonial era, the city has become an educational center on the island of Sumatra, starting in 1872, with the establishment Kweekschool voor Inlandsche Onderwijzers (school teachers for teachers bumiputera) or also known as king of the school's name, which later evolved into volksschool or school people. Then in 1912 came Holandsch Inlandsche School (HIS), followed by the establishment of the School Guardian School voor Opleiding Inlandsch Ambtenaren (OSVIA) in 1918. In 1926 also has established MULO in the town of Bukittinggi.In the early days of independence in this city once stood Policewomen school and cadets as well as Civil Service is the first school in Indonesia, even Andalas University was first established in the city of Bukittinggi
Galuang Loih market developments now called Market Ateh, making the Dutch East Indies government then re-develop the market, by rebuilding a loods to the east in 1900, precisely at the waist area of ​​the hill adjacent to the ditch that flows at the foot of the hill, because market place is located in the slope of the local people call it by name Teleng Market (Italic) or Market Slope. The next development in the surrounding area appear again in the next several markets including the Lower Markets and Market Banto. In structuring the market, the Dutch East Indies government also connects each market with long and slender (stairs) and among the famous is called by the name of bunch 40.To reduce buildup on one area of ​​the town of Bukittinggi and then develop the urban area to the east by the Yellow Aur Market building, which currently is one of the wholesale trade center for goods convection in the town of Bukittinggi. While the traditional markets around the area such as the Clock Tower Ateh Market, Market and Market Bottom Slope, now evolved into a place selling handicrafts and souvenirs typical of Minangkabau.Due to a small area, the trade sector is one option that is right for the town of Bukittinggi in increasing per capita income, and has become one of the main objectives in the field of trade on the island of Sumatra.In addition Bukittinggi city government also spawned several programs in alleviating poverty among the training increased diversification in the form of training and skills upgrading training making kebaya embroidery, as well as growing new entrepreneurial

The development of tourism is one of the leading sectors for the city of Bukittinggi, the many interesting attractions, make this city dubbed as the "city tour". Currently in the town of Bukittinggi has been there about 60 hotels and 15 travel agencies. Hotels located in cities such as The Hills Bukittinggi (formerly Novotel), Hotel Pusako and so on.Sianok canyon valley is one of the main attractions. Panorama Park is located in the town of Bukittinggi allow tourists to see the beautiful scenery Sianok canyon. Inside the park there is also a cave Panorama hideaway former Japanese soldiers during World War II is referred to as Japan's Hole Bukittinggi.In the park there is a replica Kanduang Bundo Tower House which serves as a museum of Minangkabau culture, Bukittinggi Zoo and Fort de Kock is connected by a pedestrian bridge called the Bridge Limpapeh. Limpapeh pedestrian bridge above the road A. Yani which is the main street in the town of Bukittinggi.Market Ateh (pasas above) are adjacent to the Clock Tower which is the center of the city. In the market there are many sellers Ateh handicrafts and embroidery as well as snacks souvenirs typical of West Sumatra as Karupuak Sanjai (cassava chips ala Sanjai area in London) is made from cassava, Karupuak Jangek made from cow or buffalo leather and Karak Kaliang , a kind typical of Bukittinggi snacks shaped like a figure 8. Currently, he also has built several modern shopping centers in the city of Bukittinggi.
Community town of Bukittinggi is very fond of sport riding, and every year the city held a contest in Bukit Ambacang horse racing, which has been held since 1889, this horse racing event is a series of runway horse race held in several other areas in West Sumatra, in the presence of this pelombaan encouraged to keep the persistence of horse breeders, than as a traditional source of livelihood as well as society. Also during the Indonesian revolution, the area is also a runway or airfield for small aircraft types.

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